- akom74Admin
- Messaggi : 583
Data d'iscrizione : 18.10.09
OA Community Mappack - Volume 1
Dom Dic 09, 2012 11:57 am
Sul forum di Openarena qualcuno ha avuto l'idea di fare un community mappack e io mi sono offerto di partecipare .
Community Mappack
- Volume 1 -
Neon_Knight - OACMP coordination, bugfixing.
Gig - OACMP coordination, mapping, textures, sounds.
Akom74 - Mapping, textures, sounds.
jangroothuijse - Mapping, textures.
pelya - Test server, bugfixing.
Moixie - Mapping.
fromhell - Detail textures.
Everyone else who cared, including the above - Testing
Yves "evillair" Allaire - evil* textures. [nicked from Nexuiz]
Simon "sock" O'Callaghan - egyptsoc* textures. [nicked from Nexuiz]
Neon_Knight - OACMP coordination, bugfixing.
Gig - OACMP coordination, mapping, textures, sounds.
Akom74 - Mapping, textures, sounds.
jangroothuijse - Mapping, textures.
pelya - Test server, bugfixing.
Moixie - Mapping.
fromhell - Detail textures.
Everyone else who cared, including the above - Testing
Yves "evillair" Allaire - evil* textures. [nicked from Nexuiz]
Simon "sock" O'Callaghan - egyptsoc* textures. [nicked from Nexuiz]
- akom74Admin
- Messaggi : 583
Data d'iscrizione : 18.10.09
Re: OA Community Mappack - Volume 1
Sab Set 28, 2013 5:49 am
Sono sorti dei problami di licenza e i download sono stati rimossi.
Entro breve saranno ripristinati.
Stay Tuned........
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